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Letztes Update:
25.01.2021 — Introducing Birdwatch, a community-based approach to misinformation · People come to Twitter to stay informed, and they want credible information ...
04.03.2022 — Twitter will häufiger vor Falsch- und Misinformation warnen. Dazu wurde im Vorjahr das Projekt Birdwatch aufgesetzt.
26.01.2021 — The social media firm says that the community-based system will help them further fight the misinformation problem plaguing the site.
26.01.2021 — Twitter unveiled a feature Monday meant to bolster its efforts to combat misinformation and disinformation by tapping users in a fashion ...
25.01.2021 — Twitter unveiled a feature Monday meant to bolster its efforts to combat misinformation and disinformation by tapping users in a fashion ...
28.01.2021 — With Birdwatch, Twitter is trying an old weapon against misinformation—the crowd. But as any grizzled internet user knows, that won't be ...
Twitter is introducing "Birdwatch", a pilot program in the U.S. which is a community-based approach to help address the spread of misinformation.
25.01.2021 — Der richtige Umgang mit Fake News stellt soziale Netzwerke vor eine Herausforderung. Twitter setzt jetzt auf die eigene Community.
“Birdwatch allows people to identify information in Tweets they believe is misleading or false, and write notes that provide informative context,".
25.01.2021 — Twitter, like other social networks such as Facebook, has been under more pressure to combat misinformation, including about the coronavirus and ...
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